We are all well accustomed to the phrase, ‘preparation is key’. It might be an oldie and sometimes overused, but it’s never been truer when we start discussing all things brisket-related. It is so easy to undercook or overcook your delicious piece of meat. Often, this will account for it not tasting as it should. If you have found this article after your brisket did indeed taste like a pot roast, then sit tight.
We take a look at just how a brisket should taste, possible reasons yours tastes different, and other commonly asked questions. Cooking brisket is a bit of a skill. It takes time to learn, but once you do, your food will be the talk of the street.

Your brisket should not taste like a pot roast. It is also worth pointing out that pot roast is a cooking technique, rather than a cut of meat. If you find your brisket tastes like pot roast then it is likely it wasn’t smoked. The smoking process is essential for that melt-in-the-mouth result.
What is Brisket Supposed to Taste Like?
A brisket cooked to perfection will taste wonderfully smoky if it has been grilled on the BBQ. The texture differs from barbecued beef, the outside fat should crisp up while the meat will be tender. Some of the taste will come down to how you have prepared it beforehand. For example, what marinade, if any, you choose to use. Also, how you cook it and the techniques you use to do so.
BBQ enthusiasts will swear that the only way to cook the perfect brisket is by grilling it in the yard. There is something special about the smoky BBQ smells that seep through the meat as it cooks. Of course, there are other ways to cook this meat that will invariably influence its overall taste and texture of it.

What is Better, Pot Roast or Brisket?
To answer this question, let’s first just explain the difference between pot roast and brisket.
The brisket is taken from the area from the breast to the chest. It is made up of tissue and needs to be cooked in a certain way to become tender. Brisket is commonly cooked in its juices or with a specially prepared marinade. It is heated with the sauce over some time before being typically grilled on the barbecue.
Pot roast produces a much tougher meat and needs to be prepared in a certain way. It requires browning to seal the chunks of meat and then it is slow-cooked for hours. The high fiber content makes this meat chewy and is not suitable for grilling on the barbecue. Once it has been correctly prepared, the meat becomes tender enough to eat.

Which is better, pot roast or brisket, depends on what you are looking for in your meat. In terms of diet, brisket is slightly healthier due to its lower fat content. It also depends on which cooking method you wish to use. If you wish to smoke or grill your meat then brisket is the one for you.
It is important to point out that the term ‘pot roast’ doesn’t refer to a specific part of the meat. Rather the term is coined from how it needs to be prepared before consumption. Typically, it is placed in a liquid along with vegetables, slow-cooked, and then served in the liquid. Any meat can be used in a pot roast dish.
What is so Special about Brisket?
You might be reading this, wondering why so many people rate brisket, just what makes it so special? Brisket contains a great deal of connective tissue due to the areas from which it is cut. This can seem off-putting if you aren’t so keen on tough pieces of meat. However, when you prepare it correctly and grill it slowly, you end up with a tender piece of brisket.
Barbecue enthusiasts go mad for brisket due to the fact it melts in your mouth. It can be braised, smoked, or slow-roasted and is a hit on the grill. It’s not the most expensive cut of meat and has a fairly low-fat content too.
Brisket is usually cut and purchased in two different ways – point and flat cut. Point-cut brisket is triangular and fattier than flat brisket. Flat-cut brisket is a little more pricey as it is visibly more appealing and is easier to slice.
It is a versatile meat, used to make corned beef and pastrami, among other things. It is popular as BBQ meat due to the ease of cooking and slicing. Cooked with all the smokiness of the grill, the result is a piece of heaven in your palette. All the spices, marinades, and wood chips add to the unique taste of the brisket.

Why does my Brisket Taste like Pot Roast?
If you have been left disappointed or confused by the taste of your brisket then keep reading. Brisket has its unique taste and should not taste like a pot roast. The most likely reason for brisket not tasting right will be down to how it has been cooked. If there was no smoking involved in the process, then you will immediately be able to tell this.
Put bluntly, if you are eating out and fancy brisket, sniff the restaurant first. If it doesn’t have the tell-tale smoky smell then you may not be served authentic brisket. Sometimes, the smoke process is omitted and a BBQ rub is used instead. Keen brisket lovers will be disappointed with this and it often is the reason why your dish takes more like a pot roast.
Brisket is an easy meat to cook but it does need to be prepared in a very specific way to be a crowd-pleaser. When it comes to brisket tasting like brisket, you need the all-important smoke factor.

How do you Smoke the Perfect Brisket?
Follow our guide below for ensuring you get the perfect smoky-effect brisket every time.
You will need:
- A smoker
- Cutting board
- Knife
- Meat thermometer
- Butcher paper or foil.
To cook your brisket:
- Trim your brisket if you prefer to do so. Some say trimming is key to the result.
- Add your preferred choice of seasoning to the cut of meat.
- Opt for a hardwood in your smoker for the much-needed smoky taste.
- Pop in the smoker at the desired temperature to start it off.
- Then wrap your brisket in either foil or butcher paper.
- Return to the smoker at 225℉.
- Cook until the meat (not the fat) reaches a temperature of 202℉.
- Rest your meat so that the juices have time to settle in the meat.
- Slice your brisket ready to serve.
To Conclude
We took some final thoughts from some BBQ enthusiasts across social media platforms. Whenever the question was raised regarding brisket tasting like a pot roast, the reasoning was the same. Quite simply, it wasn’t prepared and cooked correctly. There are no shortcuts here, you must follow the instructions to a tee for authentic-tasting brisket.